This is a great outfit rather for casual or dressy I chose this background because, it had a surfer feel to it laid-back chill. The body is mesh, I am not perfect at editing mesh body yet so, you will see some mesh inside of the clothes. That is not the clothes that is my pour editing of the mesh. This surf board I got off of marketplace here is the locations and pic below

!-Lybra-! Tito (XS)_001_001psd

mesh shape the mesh shop

surfboard the marketplace

Lybra Tito  PENUMBRA

nice day with cool shades

This is paired with a collar which can be wear by any male or female, the shades are a great glasses also. These things are great any clothes are great from lybra, any clothes they can go great with and mix n match them also. After this post ill go out and get me a car, because these glasses shades makes u wanna go cruising now the strip.

lybra shades n collar_001 copy

Lybra N Bunny collar black leather n BF sunglasses Lybra